Independence Day

I hate the fourth of july but tonight

I drove to the edge of the ocean 

Just a few streets down from the house

I bought on my own but share with you

Families and lovers with craned necks lined the parkway

Ooing and ahhing at the fireworks

A panoramic symphony 

Glittering along the horizon

Claps of thunder echoing off the shore 

It felt like an exhale after holding my breath for a year

I assigned each firework a name but

Let them tell their own story

Like any good curator 

Grief, Loneliness, Uncertainty 

Your Lips on Mine

Black Floating Frame

Not Too Much Maple

Climbing a Fence-

to peek at the neighbor

Burgers Smoked on the Grill

Apple Pie and Whipped Cream-

with my mother who always has 

just what we need for any occasion

All exploded into nothing

Trails of smoke disappearing as the ash 

slipped in the water and people cheered

We made it

We made it

We made it